Motivating Quotes About Winning, Overcoming Obstacles and Chemistry

Famous coaches in different sports give their opinions and 48 quotes on how to be a good team, what it takes to win, how to have team chemistry and how to overcome mental and emotional obstacles on the playing field

These 48 motivating quotes come from top coaches in different sports who learned what to tell their team and players during moments of struggle and hardship in order to help them overcome mental and emotional obstacles in trying times. 

As athletes we have a habit of putting additional pressure on ourselves because we really want to achieve our goals and do exceedingly well. 

Because of that, in many situations we can become our own biggest opponent, creating obstacles in our minds that keep us from seeing what's real and what's achievable. 

Sometimes that team that may be ranked nationally, or are former state champions, on the day we play them aren't playing that well.

But instead of recognizing that, we make them out to be so big and so good and we stop doing the things we know how to easily do. The normal things that, on that day, would beat that nationally ranked team.

We start "thinking" instead of just playing. When we overthink then we move slower, we react slower, we start second guessing everything and many times we start blaming others for our mistakes out of fear and frustration.

Playing like that, makes it easy for anyone on the other side of the net to win. 

So what we actually end up doing is beating ourselves. 

How about believing in yourself, and your abilities, and the time, effort and energy you put into practice and into the extra reps and practices you did outside of practice?

How about believing in yourself and your teammates so much....that it doesn't matter who you face on the other side of the net.

The only thing you think about is the ball and playing the best game you know how to play...every time you step on the court. 

Motivating Quotes

You can make mistakes, but you're not a failure until you start blaming others for those mistakes.                                 

-John Wooden

"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them? Every day begin the task anew." 

I don't think anybody has a ceiling. Everybody can constantly improve.                                                                      

-Chip Kelly

 Success is performing to the limit of your potential.              

- Bob Knight

Strength doesnt come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength and other motivating quotes on DearVolleyball.comStrength doesnt come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths and other motivating quotes on

Motivating Quotes for Players
About Winning

"All right Mister, let me tell you what winning means! You're willing to go longer, work harder, give more than anyone else."                                                                                                

-Vince Lombardi 

The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow                         -Swedish Proverb

"Winning is everything, to win is all there is. Only those poor souls buried beneath the battlefield understand this."                                                                                                

-SEAL Team Saving 

In order to grow, you must accept new responsibilities, no matter how uncertain you may feel or how unprepared you are to deal with them.                                                                  

-Pat Head Summitt

It's normal to enjoy praise and dislike criticism. True character is when you prevent either from affecting you in a negative manner.                                                                          

–John Wooden

The winner's edge is not in a gifted birth, a high IQ, or in talent. The winner's edge is all in the attitude, not aptitude. Attitude is the criterion for success.                            

-Denis Waitley

If you haven't heard these by now listen to the words to Katy Perry's song "Roar". They will inspire you to face your fears!

Motivating Quotes for Players
How To Have a Winning Mindset

Winners make it happen. Losers let it happen and other motivating quotes on DearVolleyball.comWinners make it happen. Losers let it happen and other motivating quotes on

Losers assemble in little groups and complain...but winners assemble as a team.                                                          

-Bill Parcells

I am ready to be a winner

I deserve to be a winner

I am destined to be a winner

I am determined to be a winner

From this day forth all I know is winning                        


You win not by chance but by preparation.                              

–Roger Maris

I don't like losing, I don't accept losing, and I don't want to be a part of losing.                                                                        

– Pat Riley

How do you win? By getting average players to play good and good players to play great. That's how you win.              

–Bum Phillips

It is better to anticipate than to react.                                    

– Bob Knight

Motivating Quotes for Volleyball Players
Building Team Chemistry

The strength of the team is each individual and other motivating quotes on DearVolleyball.comThe strength of the team is each individual and other motivating quotes on

Chemistry is as important as talent, you constantly have to work at it.                                                                                  

– Lionel Hollins

When coaches can make it about the team and have a personal relationship with players, it goes a long way to building chemistry.                                                                          

-David Lee

Chemistry is not something that just happens. You have to work at it.                                                                                  

-Bruce Bochy

Motivating Quotes for Volleyball Players Perseverance During Struggles and Hard Times

Never trust your fears they dont know your strengths and other motivating quotes on DearVolleyball.comNever trust your fears they dont know your strengths and other motivating quotes on

When you challenge a warrior, a warrior responds.                

-Ray Lewis

Anytime you stop striving to get better, you're bound to get worse.                                                                                      

-Pat Riley

Long term success is a direct result of what you achieve everyday. Goals provide your daily routine.                            

–Rick Pitino

Here's a motivational video you need to watch to pump you up and build confidence before your next match! 

Motivating Quotes for Volleyball Players To Remember the Importance of Helping Others

True motivation is not getting people to play to their potential. It’s getting people to play beyond their potential.                                                                                          

– Rick Pitino

You can help people if they want to be great.                            

-Joe Philbin

Motivating Quotes on
How to Produce Better Players

I can reach a kid who doesn’t have any ability as long as he doesn’t know it.                                                                      

–Paul 'Bear' Bryant

Change the culture and the results will follow.                          

–David Cutcliffe

To be a better player than you've ever been and other motivating quotes on DearVolleyball.comTo be a better player than you've ever been and other motivating quotes on

When coaches can make it about the team and have a personal relationship with players, it goes a long way to building chemistry.

-David Lee

Players and coaches just have to do their jobs, and collectively we have to do ours a little better than them.      

– Bill Belichick

The best thing any coach at any level can do for their player is hold them accountable.                                              

–Jeff Boals

I learned this about coaching: You don't have to explain victory and you can't explain defeat.                                      

–Darrell Royal

Coaching is by far the best profession you could ever be in –you have the chance to be significant.                                  

–Lou Holtz

If you yell at a kid and he gets mad at you, you've lost him. If you yell at a kid and he gets mad at himself, then you have something.              

–Pete Carroll

When I was a young coach I used to say, 'Treat everybody alike.' That's bull. Treat everybody fairly.                                      

–Paul 'Bear' Bryant

Your influence as a coach expands when you connect with your players and shrinks when you isolate yourself from them.                                                                                                      

– Gary Curneen

If you don't get to know them, you will have no idea what scares them, what inspires them, what motivates them.        

-Bo Schembechler

This is Volleyball:
Motivational Video

Caution this video may have strong language. 

Motivating Quotes on
What Makes A Good Team

It should always be about team. You can't play everybody. But if you're not playing, you've still got to be a good teammate.                                                                                        

-Mike Woodson

Successful teams don't allow passengers those who have mentally quit, but failed to physically leave. Players either contribute or go.                                                                            


If your best player is your hardest worker, you've got a chance to be a good team.                                                          

– Don Meyer

There are 5 fundamental qualities that make every team great:

1. Communication

2. Trust

3. Collective Responsibility

4. Caring

5. Pride

-Coach K

The five S's of sports training are: 

1. Stamina

2. Speed

3. Strength

4. Spirit

-Ken Doherty

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